Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Catholic Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Catholic - Research Paper Example All these enable them to say consecrated in order to experience a deeper sense of spirituality (Laurent 116). The Catholic Church sticks strictly to its rituals. An infant born to a catholic mother gets its introduction to the catholic faith and rituals at an early age. This is usually through infant baptism. A few months after birth, infants undergo baptism and receive Christian names. The catholic baptism involves washing of the head with water and not full immersion into water as other religions do (O’Grady 157). As the infants grow up, they receive stepwise introduction to the catholic belief and teachings. Before the age of ten, they are able to recite most of the common prayers and liturgies. Towards the early teenage, these children enroll in catechism classes whereby they receive a deeper teaching on all values and rituals observed during the catholic worship. It is upon their understanding and appreciation of such that they attain baptism out of their own initiative a t this age. Later, they get confirmed after more catechism classes accompanied by usual practice of what they learn. After baptism confirmation, they can now celebrate mass just like other mature catholic devotees (O’Grady 161). There is a specific order that the Christians follow in their worship. In every step of the worship, there are rituals that they observe (O’Grady 7). ... In some occasions, the priest proceeds to carry out the rite of blessing that involves sprinkling of the people with water symbolic of their baptism. In other cases, the priest may opt for the penitential rite that involves expression of guilt over their transgressions. The Kyrie, Gloria acclamations then follow on all Sundays except during lent, and advent. The liturgy of the word then follows. This involves two readings separated by a relevant responsorial psalm. After the two readings, the entire group rises up to sing the Gospel acclamation. The gospel proclamation by the priest then follows. After the gospel proclamation, a sermon follows referred to as the homily and during this time the people take their seats. After the homily, the people indulge in a profession of their faith by reciting the apostles ‘or Nicene creed. Liturgy of the Eucharist follows and this begins with presentation of gifts and then preparation of the altar (O’Grady 164). The priest prays over the gifts and then goes on to lead the Eucharistic prayer. The worshippers recite the holy acclamation, then the memorial and then the priest recites the doxology and the worshippers respond in a massive ‘Amen’. The worshippers are now ready to partake of the communion ritual. It starts with a recitation of the Lord’s Prayer followed by the sign of peace and then the breaking of bread. After breaking of the bread, they partake of the Holy Communion. After receiving of the communion, the people kneel for silent individual prayers. During the communion, relevant songs prevail and the priests lead a prayer after the communion. After this, announcements may follow and then the conclusion rite with the priest saying a prayer and wishing the people peace (O’Grady 147). The catholic calendar of

Monday, October 28, 2019

Support Individuals in Eating and Drinking Essay Example for Free

Support Individuals in Eating and Drinking Essay 1. 3 Describe ways to resolve any difficulties or dilemmas about the choice of food and drink A resident at our care home is diabetic, so some foods are different to others as it has small sugar content. When bringing out puddings after dinner staff usually do diabetics first then everyone elses. However, the individual expressed her feelings and shared that she was fed up of having the diabetic pudding as she felt different to everyone else. Staff explained that she needed this pudding as she has diabetes but the resident didn’t care and wanted the same. So staff had a deep conversation with the resident trying to come up with an idea to make sure she was happy and suggested bringing her pudding out at the same time as everyone else so then she wouldn’t feel different. She was happy with this idea and had her pudding at the same time as others. Line manager was informed. 1. 4 Describe how and when to seek additional guidance about an individual’s choice of food and drink When I need additional guidance on an indivudla’s choice of food and drink I speak to the other care staff, senior carers or if needs be the manager. For example, a resident has his family to bring in his favourite biscuits for mid-morning tea, however on one occasion he ran out and didn’t like any others that staff offered him. At the care home there is a large variety of biscuits but the individual only likes the ones his family bring. We did not want him missing out and being unhappy, so senior staff and manager was informed and had a meeting on how to stop this issue happening again. We suggested that we could keep emergency biscuits for him in the pantry so if he runs out again, we will have some and he won’t miss out. His family was informed and thought the idea was great. 2. 1 Identify the level and type of support an individual requires when eating and drinking All service user’ need different support when eating and drinking depending on whether they are able to do it on their own or with assistance. Some residents are able to have an ordinary meal and eat well without any support. Others may need their food to be liquidised because they struggle chewing on solid foods however they are able to eat by themselves. Then other individual’s need full support when eating and drinking because they may not be able to move arms to eat and drink, or because they need encouragement in eating and drinking. When residents need full support it is important to have patience with them eating, and encourage them as much as possible to have as much as they can. If the individual refuses food then pushing fluids is extra important. 3. 1 Describe factors that help promote an individual’s dignity, comfort and enjoyment while eating and drinking When residents are eating and drinking I make sure the individual is sat upright and in a comfortable position to avoid choking. To promote their dignity I place a napkin on their clothing so if food or drink is spilt it doesn’t go on their clothes and it can just be removed. I also have one spare on the table so I am able to assist them wiping their mouths and fingers when needs be. Promoting enjoyment whilst eating and drinking includes many factors to consider, like making sure they have been toileted before meal times so they feel comfortable when eating and drinking. Also giving the resident choice on where they have their dinner, trying to encourage sitting with others to socialise but giving the choice as they might have days they wish to be on their own. Also the way the meal is presented with bright colours (vegetables), for it to be hot and looks tasty to promote them enjoying the food. 4. 1 Explain why it is important to be sure that an individual has chosen to finish eating and drinking before clearing away It is very important for individual’s to eat and drink as much as they are able to manage. When clearing away dishes, you cannot just take the plate away when there is food still left. You need to encourage the individual as much as you can for them to eat, however you cannot force them they have rights to not eat. But it is still important to encourage them as much as possible, and push fluids. Not only is it important for them to eat as much as possible but it shows them respect and that they do not have to rush their food, so they can feel relaxed and take their time. 5. 1 Explain the importance of monitoring food and drink an individual consumes and any difficulties they encounter It is important to monitor the food and drink intake of an individual as it can show whether they are having enough or even too much food or drink, whether it can lead to dehydration or if they have lost or gained weight. It is also important that the individuals are receiving the correct nutrition in their care and they are getting the goodness they need. If due to health issues the individual is struggling to eat, this needs to be recorded and other suggestions need to be put in place to resolve this. For example, if a resident’s suffering tooth ache and they are unable to chew their food to eat. In this case we could liquidise their food whilst they have toothache to enable them on eating.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Police Pursuits Essay -- Law Enforcement

There are virtually an unlimited amount of aspects about police work that places them in harm’s way every day. Some of which officers are trained to mitigate and exercise some form of control over while others are mostly out of police control. Vehicle pursuit is one instance where police have little control over and thus must adopt a mostly reactionary response rather than a proactive approach. Police officer training and preparation for such pursuits are conducted during their initial phases of training and some receive advanced Emergency Vehicle Operational and Control (EVOC) training that they will bring back to their respective agencies to provide training for the rest of their fellow officers. This is only in response to an increasingly dangerous and costly increase to the amount of police vehicle pursuits over approximately the last decade. But why are criminals increasingly running from police? Since the inception of police as a profession, the ‘bad guys’ have always tried to escape justice form the ‘good guys’ in an attempt to continue their lawless and criminal activity. However as times have changed from horseback chases in rural country landscapes to heavy and speeding vehicles in urban settings, the danger to innocent life has increased exponentially. Some has argued that a ‘contempt of cop’ attitude adopted by police in where the officer attempting to make the stop is offended or slighted and therefore acts aggressively to make an apprehension. A possible reason for this is the adrenalin rush rendering officers to adopt an aggressive and overly focused mindset causing them to experience myopia and auditory lockout (Schultz, Hudak, Alpert, 2009) Others claim that an increased lack of authority and an increase in se... .... Until courts and the public start shifting the volume of blame towards the suspect who failed to stop for police, suspects will continue to put us, the law abiding public, at risk. Works Cited Alpert, G. & Smith, W. (2008). Police Pursuits After Scott v. Harris: Far from Ideal. Police Foundation:. Ideas in American Policing. June, 2008. Hill, J. (July 2002) High-Speed Police Pursuits: Dangers, Dynamics, and Risk Reduction. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin. July 2002. Oyez. (n.d.) Scott v. Harris. Retrieved on April 03, 2012 from 2009/2006/2006_05_1631 Schultz, D., Hudak, E., Alpert, G. (2009) Emergency Driving and Pursuits: The Officer’s Perspective. FBI Law Enforcement Bulliten. April 2009. Scott v. Harris. 550 U.S.___(2007). Retrieved on April 02, 2012 from

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Sonnet 104

Essay: Sonnet 104 Sonnet 104 is one of 154 sonnets written by the English poet William Shakespeare. It's a member of the Fair Youth sequence, in which the poet expresses his love towards a fair friend. Each stanza expresses Shakespeare’s relationship with his beloved. The sonnet deals with the destructive forces of time as humans grow older and makes a commentary on the process of aging. In the first quatrain, the poet focuses on his beloved, exploring the theme of beauty and aging. The very beginning of the quatrain begins with â€Å"To me†, and in the second line, ends with â€Å"eye I eyed. These two phrases signified that what he was writing was from his own perspective. The poet did not consider the opinion of the reader and later in the quatrain, continues this theme when he states, â€Å"Such seems† in the third line. This quatrain was a commentary on the beauty of his beloved friend. The poet acknowledges that this is his perspective; yet he does not ack nowledge the perspective of anyone else. These lines also discuss that his beloved friend is as beautiful as when they first met and that his opinion of beauty is not judged upon the reader.In the second quatrain, the poet focuses on time passing the significance of evolution. This theme progresses with the continual mentioning of seasons. The poet wants to emphasize the three years that have passed. The natural cycle between seasons emphasizes the time passing. â€Å"Summers pride† gives way to â€Å"winters cold†, â€Å"beauteous springs† give way to â€Å"yellow autumn†, and April perfumes make way to the â€Å"hot Junes burnd†. This is not only a commentary on how much time has passed, but also a commentary on how beauty can fade.As stated in the phrases listed above, the changes in seasons always lead to a different landscape. With this evolution, it is only natural that beauty fades. However, the poet makes is blatantly clear in the eighth li ne that his beloved never changes. This last line of the quatrain shows that his beloved is a fresh beauty. The use of the words â€Å"green† and â€Å"fresh† signify his beloved’s youthfulness and prove that he has defied nature. This breaking of the cycle proves to be a powerful use of language and diction.In the third quatrain, the poet recognizes that his beliefs are unnatural, and creates a shift in the sonnet. The ninth line instigates the shift once the poet writes, â€Å"Ah, yet†. This sign tone and shift in perception help him come to a realization. This recognition proves that the poet is fooling himself about his friend’s beauty. The â€Å"dial-hand† mentioned in the ninth line signifies that even though his beloved friend is actually aging, he only sees him to be beautiful. This metaphor is a perfect representation of his perception of beauty.As the quatrain continues he explains that his eye deceives him of reality. Like a clock hand moves slowly, he slowly recognizes reality. In conclusion, sonnet 104 is a commentary on the poet’s perception versus reality. The poet ends the sonnet by announcing that no one, after he and his beloved die, could ever understand what beauty really is. The height of beauty was when his fair friend lived. Beauty was and will always be understood as a part of his writing. Though his friend may not be living, his beauty still lies within the poet’s literature.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Roger Mcgough Poem Analysi

Roger McGough was a well-known British poet who has written a lot of poems about inequality, life and unfairness between social classes. I have chosen to discuss and compare the following poem â€Å"The Commission†, â€Å"Nooligan† and â€Å"Streemin† of Roger McGough. The three poems I have chosen are mainly written in the area of inequality of this world and the unfairness of social class. In â€Å"The Commission† Roger McGough has written the contrast of the different social class and the difference between the wealthy and the poor. In the poem he wrote â€Å"In this poem there is a table.Groaning with food. There is also a child, Groaning for lack of food† this clearly stated out the different between the wealthy and the poor. In â€Å"Nooligan† he criticises the use of violence and bullying in school, he used the following lines â€Å"I’m a Nooligan don’t give a toss, in our class I’m the boss† to tell to the audience that everyone is born equal, no one should be hurt or to be treated differently to others. In the poem â€Å"Streemin† Roger McGough again criticises the inequality between the different social classes by using â€Å"But all these divishns aren’t reely fair†.Roger McGough’s poem is always very relaxed and smooth, never intense. Most of the time he seems like he is talking to himself or into his own deep thinking. In â€Å"The Commission† he used rhyme over the whole poem, with the relax tone, he presented his theme of the inequality like he was telling the audience about one of his dreams. However he used rhyming in the poem â€Å"Nooligan† to create a sense of humours, describing a bully in school, he presents his idea nicely to audience while giving them some fun.The poem â€Å"Streemin† isn’t written in formal language, slangs and short forms are used, this give the audience an idea that the person isn’t real ly educated, which presents his purpose for this poem perfectly. After reading Roger McGough’s poem, I have learned a lot about life and this world. His poem told me that everybody are born in to this world equally and that no one should be treated like slaves, no matter of this social class, skin colour, culture background or the wealth and poor.He presented this to the audience through his poem â€Å"The commission† in the first 4 lines of the first stanza. In the 2nd stanza Roger McGough have written that there was a photographer draws â€Å"a little Asian girl, Naked, wide-eyed, pleading† he points out the unfairness in this world very clear and sharp with just one sentence. After reading and a little thinking of the poem, I feel really tempered about the unfairness in this world and even a little sadness, I think this was also what the poet felt while he wrote down this poem.From his poem â€Å"Nooligan† it teaches me that everyone should deserve hap piness in this world, because to be born into this world and determined that they are going to die sooner or later was not a child’s choice, it was not their choice to be born in to a violence family, it was not their fault that the parents are devoiced. Therefore I think that everyone who was born into this world deserves to have their own happiness and no one should have the power to take it away from them. Roger McGough was writing about the bullies in school in this poem, they hurt people.The rhyme used in this poem have turned mood very humorous and he used the humorous to present to the audience about the bullies in his eyes. â€Å"Streemin† was one of the shortest poems Roger McGough has written. He described the feelings of the lower social class with just a few sentences. In the last stanza he written â€Å"But all these divishns arnt reely fair look at the cemetery no Streemin there† presents his idea of how the lower social class look at this world. T hey have not been educated, but this does not make them less of a person.They think it’s not fair that they have to be treated differently to all the other people who live in this world just because they don’t like reading and can hardly write. After reading Roger McGough’s poem I feel like I have learned a lot about this society, good side and bad side. I would strongly recommend Roger McGough’s to a young adult, or people who are about to walk into this society, because his poem taught me a lot of things and this might benefit people in a lot of ways. And personally I really like his poems, like the way he presents his ideas and like his idea about this society

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Home Depot Service

Home Depot Service Introduction and service Background of Home Depot Home Depot Inc has grown immensely since its commencement back in the 1970’s when it was a small organization founded by three business executives who had left Handy Dan Stores to start their own home appliance service delivery company. Back then the company had only one store and annual earnings of $ 23M.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Home Depot Service specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More But through good management and efficiency, the company has grown into one of the largest vendor and installer of home improvement appliances serving individuals and professional customers. The company’s founders retired back in the year 2000 after opening the 1000th store and Bob Nardelli was appointed C.E.O. This move has contributed a lot to the success of the company because since then the company has even performed better. The new C.E.O has overseen the openin g of over 900 stores and currently the organization has over 2200 stores across the United States of America. The home improvement retailer is now among the top 3 retailers in the world following Wal-Mart, but it is the America’s largest Home Improvement appliance and service selling company in the United States of America, the company is now a home appliance service company helping build beautiful homes across America, Canada and Mexico. The company has experienced profit growth every year since 2000-2005; the profits have grown from $45.7B in 2000 to over $81B. Despite the value of its shares doing poorly in the NYSE, the company has improved its earnings per share from $1.10 to $2.75 therefore pleasing shareholders and currently the company has paid out close to $ 13B in cumulative earnings back to its shareholders. Besides this, the company’s operating margin has also grown from 9.2 % to 11.5% thereby indicating that the company is quite healthy and is performing w ell. The company has over 300,000 employees on its payroll to ensure that the company is able to cater for its customers especially when it comes to superior service delivery.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The efforts of former C.E.O, Bob Nardelli, have to be appreciated since he has used all his experience and skills in his position to ensure that the company continues to operate on a path which allows it to grow in both size and revenue by catering for the needs of their customer base and offering a lot of competition to rivals such as Wal-Mart by building stores and Home depot centers that are spacious and well designed. The decision to open the Home depot online business has also played a big role in ensuring dominance of the retailer. Strategic Posture Mission Home Depot Inc is a well established company that aims to provide its customers with the highe st quality home improvement products and high quality service (Home Depot Inc). The slogan, â€Å"improve everything we touch,† is a clear indication of the customer experience that is part of the service delivery strategy that Home Depot wants its entire customers to experience as soon as they enter in the premises of the organization to purchase products from their retail centers all over America (Kotler, 167). The company takes its customers seriously and hopes to offer solutions to their daily needs by providing services that will improve the homes and lives of their customers. This mission has been relevant to the current performance and the vision of the company is to become the best retail company of this millennium with superior service delivery. Objectives Home Depot has most of its services rooted in the service industry; the organization desires to be one of the biggest participants in the retail industry in this millennium and also aims to realize a rise in its ma rket share by acquiring other companies using an aggressive business strategy. The company has ambitions to maintain an annual growth in sales of between 9-12% by the year 2012. Additionally, the company aims to increase its earnings per share for its equity owners to between 10-14% by the year 2012 by growing its service delivery to its target audience.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Home Depot Service specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The company believes that its survival is not the only objective but it is important for the company to grow and acquire other new companies such as Hughes Supplies to increase its dominance in the retail industry. Furthermore, the company intends to pen close to 400-500 stores in various regions of the world by the end of 2012 despite the indication that the market is saturating. Other objectives of the company include increasing cumulative operating cash flow to $50b, cumulati ve capital expenditure to $17-20b and grow their supply sales to $23-27b (Home Depot Inc).The stores believe that their targets can be met if employees spend approximately 70% of their working hours on the selling floor and expanding their markets. Strategy Home Depot uses an aggressive strategy which aims at sustaining the company’s growth. The strategy is known as the 3E’s strategy which involves extending business, expanding the market and enhancing the core. This strategy is effective as besides guaranteeing its growth it also ensures that the quality of service and value delivered to customers increase as the company expands (Home Depot Inc). Policies The company’s policy revolves around its clientele and the need to enhance the customer experience is fundamental to success and for that reason the company has a policy that instructs its staff to spend close to 70% of total work time on the selling floor and performing customer service activities because thi s way the needs of the current consumers and targeted consumers can be catered for and the customers are most likely to have the complete customer experience (Kotler, 239; Home Depot Inc). Figure 1 A diagrammatic representation of the full elements included in a product Services delivered by Home Depot are valuable to their clientele and this is why the organization has been able to get a lot of positive reviews from numerous quarters and their customers have grown in number (Home Depot Inc).Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The wide variety of the services is offered by the organization and these include mostly services which complement their product offering. Customers usually desire not only to purchase the core product but services accompanying the product is very important especially because home appliances require some level of expertise especially when it comes to installation. When customers purchase home appliances such as tools, hardware, lumber, building materials, paint, plumbing, flooring and garden supplies, they may require expertise services from the staff before they gain the skills to use the appliances. This is why home depot offers â€Å" installation services, advice, clinics, contractor services, credit center, delivery services, design services, home services, import/export services, moving services, tool rental, and truck rental this way a holistic customer satisfaction dimension is achieved† (Kotler, 110). Service process structure, structural alternatives, technology, st andardization, co-production, High vs. Low contact The corporate structure and the customer service process structure cannot be separated unlike long ago where the customer service delivery process structure of the Home Depot was reportedly chaotic before the arrival of Bob Nardelli, the former C.E.O who retired in 2007. The current structure is managed according to regions such as south, south east, west, east, north and Midwest, whereby each store has its own overall manager and functional level managers. The regional managers serve as head of strategy and are responsible for customer service despite that fact that they have other customer service department managers and departments within their branches. This structure has ensured efficiency unlike beforehand where management was fragmented and decentralized hence the current management system allows its managers to communicate directly with the top management team thus enabling the organization respond appropriately to the needs of the customers (Kotler, 229). The former C.E.O, Bob Nardelli, did set expectations that up to date play a major role in encouraging every manager to achieve the optimal output and deliver results furthermore all employees are required to spend some time on the selling floor in order to ensure that the needs of customers are catered for in order to ensure that customer satisfaction ratings go up. This policy put into in place by the C.E.O has fostered the culture of collective responsibility as far as issues of customer service are concerned it is not only the duty of regional managers, general managers and functional area managers within the stores but also a responsibility of the lowest level of staff within the organization. Table1.The Service Process Structure of Home Depot This referral system of customer service can take a long time and at times can consume a lot of time especially when low staff employees lack the capacity to solve problems and hence send customers to the next level of the hierarchy. This can thereby be replaced by specialized customer care departments or booths that have fully trained customer care experts to respond to specific product needs of the customers (Kotler, 179; Porter, 17). Illustration: Home depots superior customer service techniques are part of the key competencies that have contributed to the organization’s success Home depot’s customer service policy aims to ensure that the needs and queries of customers are resolved in the shortest time frame possible. Service process structure of Home Depot aims to provide the maximum customer experience by providing services that are considered of high quality and at the same time affordable. The entire sales service engineering process of Home Depot aims to respond to the needs of their customers by enabling them get high quality assistance as far as pre-purchase and post-purchase queries such as planning, installation, training, trouble shooting, repairs, product upgrading and discarding of products are concerned. The management of Home Depot centre believes that their customer care policy offers them an opportunity to form relationships with their clients and therefore even improve thus empowering them. Empowered customers are more likely to engage themselves in the process of co-production of services and this reduces the workload that the staffs of Home Depot are most likely to face if they were dealing with underpowered clients (Worthington Britton 45). The top management regularly organizes seminars, workshops and training opportunities which are very crucial to empowering employees and standardizing the delivery of service (Kourdi, 43). The failure of offering standardized service delivery can at times be very costly and this is why employees of Home Depot care are given strict guidelines under which they can use to deal with both easy and hard clients. The entire sales engineering process of Home Depot has enabled different employee s to operate with a standardized approach which enables them to treat the needs and demands of all their clients within a reasonable time frame using high degrees of etiquette and friendliness (Kotler, 334). This fact has contributed to the high rate of customer retention and repeated purchases due to the fact that some sort of intimacy has arisen between the customers of the organization and the organization itself (Worthington Britton 57). Illustration: A model representing careful planning that has been used to develop the Customer service policies at the Home Depot Marketing Guru, Kotler, (44) insists that high quality customer care is never accidental but rather a product of vigorous and continuous planning programs that are initiated by top management and customer care staff within the organization. The Home Depot has put in place the necessary Information Communication Technology (ICT) structure that has assisted the organization towards ensuring that they can gather all th e necessary information which can be used to cater for their information needs. Model customer care departments and procedures are a result of goods planning and good planning cannot occur if an organization does not have the necessary information. The use of Information technology in this case has played a big role in the process by assisting customers become better co producers (Kotler, 269; Worthington Britton 164). This is because the use of Email, websites and customer care call centers has made it possible for the organization to interact with its clients at arm’s length. The technological environment in North America is becoming more advanced daily and Home Depot Inc has not been left behind. The organization has installed various technologies to cater for their business needs. The corporation has installed the most modern bar-coding technologies and UNIX servers and in this way, the organization is able to take care of inventory, financial accounting and also record customer needs accurately. Previously, when technology was an obstacle to corporations poor inventory management increased companies costs by interfering especially with customer care processes within the organization. The Home Depot management has put in place an additional I.T department in Texas to guarantee that the corporation runs efficiently and avoid extra costs due to poor business practices. This center has played a big role towards ensuring that their client’s needs are recorded and appropriate strategic responses are formulated hence improving customer care within the organization. Moreover, the corporation has installed back end scanning technology and upgraded call centre technology in order to support various processes within the organization (Worthington Britton 143). These actions have made sure that all transactions are recorded and that customer queries are recorded and queued so that customer care personnel can respond to them in the shortest time frame p ossible (Campbell et al 142). Unlike long ago where all service delivery programs were characterized by high levels of contact this has drastically changed and now when customers have queries it is not a must for them to be physically present at the premises of the Home Depot to raise their queries or even conduct business but they can do this at the comfort of their homes by ordering online and asking for more specified customized services. This way if there are more low contact services transactions then queuing and overcrowding at the stores are consequentially reduced saving costs in the long run for the organization (Porter, 88). Service blueprint, lines of visibility, interaction, on-stage and back-stage interaction failure points and poka-yokes Home Depot understands that it deals with heterogeneous clientele and every client has his/her own needs, wants and desires but the overall aim of their customer service charter is to offer lasting solutions to their clientele in the s hortest time frame possible (Kotler, 156). The customer service strategy of the Home Depot aims to foster loyalty and repeated purchase through ensuring high levels of satisfaction within customers. The staff are rigorously trained and given operational policies to deal with both simple and difficult clientele with the aim of enhancing customer satisfaction. The customer service department has adopted a flat structure and incorporated the use of information communication technology in order to ensure that the organization is able to communicate efficiently and effectively at high speeds to resolve customer needs as soon as they arise (Worthington Britton 77). The organization has made it mandatory for every individual within the organization to spend some time on the retail floor and interact with customers and hence this has contributed a lot towards developing an organization that is holistic when it comes to customer service matters. The main pillars of the strategy that is used by the Home depot include staying in touch with the needs and demands of customers and this is achieved by strategic gathering of data which is stored in data warehouses. This data is used by strategy formulation experts who are specialists in customer service to understand and predict customer behavior. Consumer behavior is a discipline anchored in understanding the needs, perceptions, tastes, preferences, attitudes and other forms of consumer behavior (Wheelen Hunger, 411). The output of this process is used to develop the most appropriate training programs of the employees which in turn empower employees once they interact with customers during the moment of truth. Home depots customer service policy is hence developed from predictions that emanate from their information communication technology department and therefore the staff have undergone various simulations that enable them enter into most probable question and answer scenario sessions that may involve potential customer s (Home Depot Inc). The customer service strategy blue print demands that all organizational employees aim to create great service delivery priorities. Therefore, the staff is required to be smart, smiling and polite when dealing with clients. Dealing with clients with the highest level of etiquette enables staff to avoid confrontational instances that may pose a bad image on the organization. Moreover, when customer service and clientele argue or conflict negatively then a lot of time is more likely to be lost. Illustration: The customer relationship management process that is part of the customer service blue print Home Depot Inc values all of its customers and it uses a sales engineering process to develop the most appropriate customer relationship management program that allows the organization to get closer and more personal with some of its most important clients. Customer relationship management is the backbone of The Home Depot center’s customer service strategy beca use it aims to reduce order processing/transaction time, this way the problem of long queue that arises in the process of service delivery can be reduced easily hence improving the customer experience. In order to shorten the time frame of the customer and organization interaction the Home depot center has automated some processes by encouraging customers to carry out their orders online and hence reduce instances of long queues thereby hastening the process of service delivery. The customer care call centre belonging to the Home depot center allows the organization to be able to interact with its clients in real time (on stage) or take down their details search for their solutions and contact them at later times in order to offer them solutions. The web angle and internet of customer care also offers a venue under which the organization can offer long lasting solutions to complex customer problems. The current problem with the customer service department is the problem of queuing. The Home Depot has a large number of customers who have problems ranging from simple to very complex problems and this therefore increases the processing time of the customer service department (Wheelen Hunger, 304). The high level of queuing especially during peak season ends up annoying some customers who assume that the organization is ignoring their needs/queries and complaints. Therefore the Home Dept should aim to open a more efficient and effective customer care centre that can dedicate all its efforts exclusively towards responding to the needs of clients. The customer care complex can be seasonal but it will serve as a failsafe method for which the organization can be able to ensure that incase of overloading customer service tasks run smoothly. The strategy taken by Home Depot to manage their, delivery systems, facility design, location selection, capacity planning, service encounter, quality management, information management The Home Depot centre occupies over 105,000 f t ² (9,755 m ²) in warehouse floor space with its megastores operating in larger facilities with its largest store in New Jersey occupying over 200,000 square feet (Home Depot Inc). Every store/warehouse chosen by the company is not accidentally chosen but careful planning is usually common in all location decisions. Key location decisions are made by marketers and population statistics experts who chose areas which are most likely to choose locations that are considered highly attractive in terms of security, consumer traffic and economic parameters. This technique of choosing locations has enabled the organization open stores at very strategic locations within the United States, Mexico and Canada and this has assisted the organization maximize revenues and grow their business portfolio and expand their business (Home Depot Inc). Basically, the location decision has enable Home Depot move closer to their prospective clients and address their needs adequately. Using particular t raffic forecasts that are linked to their location decisions has enabled the organization to perform adequate capacity planning. This has enabled the organization match consumer needs with their provisions through this has not been easy due to higher levels of customers which has increased their demand and led to long queues often. But in order to deliver services the organization in conjunction with their information technology department has been able to adequately develop delivery systems that enable service delivery be queued appropriately in order to deliver services in good time and condition. The organization has over time increased the number of suppliers that it has and this has enabled the organization to be able to be able to maintain high levels of quality supplies at relatively lower pricing. The high variety of brands in the shelves of Home Depot enables customers to choose products from wide variety of product and suppliers are hence forced to produce products that ar e considered of high quality this way the suppliers are forced to produce highly attractive products that are of high quality. Moreover the Home Depot use a last in first out inventory system which ensures that products that are on the shelves follow a queue that is directly related to the time which they arrived at their stores. When dealing with obsolescence and redundancy of stock the organization has a quality control department that is charged with the responsibility inspecting and verifying the quality of goods right before they reach the shelves for customers to purchase (Wheelen Hunger, 338). Every piece of inventory is bar-coded and stored at the organization n data base this way the organization is able to account for all items which are defective or considered as unsuitable following customer complaints. By keeping accurate records and supplying information to all employees within the organization a total quality management system is used to ensure that employees communi cate the message of quality management especially when interacting with customers on the floor of the retail centers (Wheelen Hunger 122). Suggestions for improving and redesigning the services/ interface Home Depot is a home appliance retail and interacts with customers to ensure that they are able to understand their products and if necessary install or even know how to use them. Home Depot Inc serves millions of customers across the Americas. The organization serves the do-it-yourself market, do-it-for-me market and the professional customers (Kotler 244). All this clients have different needs and are considered important to the organization and thus the organization has customized service delivery in order to fit the needs and desires of each customer segment. The organization should therefore aim to expand their existing customer services department by dedicating more resources to this business department this way the organization will be able to deliver services efficiently a nd effectively without delay or compromise in quality (Wheelen Hunger 78). The service delivery process should be upgraded to encourage customers to carry out business transactions over the net and having their goods delivered to their door steps upon agreement. Additionally the organization should improve their capacity planning in order to ensure that the retail center can be able to respond to the needs of their customers as soon as they arise. Conclusion The customer service practices of Home Depot Inc are good but a lot can be done in order to ensure that the organization is able get closer and to respond to the needs of their clients as soon as they occur. Delivery of high quality services is very important and Home Depot has ensured that it makes good lasting impressions on their customers by enhancing good customer experiences. The company should initiate programs that will incorporate the opinions of the lowest level of employees, customers and aim to improve service deliv ery within the organization. Good customer service is an ingredient of creating intimacy with customers and thereby cultivating customer loyalty which is very important to organizations. Campbell, David, Stonehouse, George Houston, Bill. Business Strategy an Introduction, 2nd edition. Banbury Rd: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002. Print. Home Depot Inc. â€Å"Home.† Home Depot Inc. 2011. Web. Kotler, Phillip. 2008. Principles of marketing, 13th edn. New York: Prentice Hall, 2008. Print. Kourdi, Jeremy. Business Strategy: A Guide to Effective Decision Making, 2nd edition. New York: Economist books, 2009. Print. Porter, Michael. Competitive advantage, illustrated edition. Northampton MA: Free press, 2004. Print. Wheelen, Thomas Hunger, David. Strategic management and business policy. New Jersey: Prentice hall, 2002. Print. Worthington, Ian Britton, Chris. Business environment, 6th edition. Canada: Pearson Education, 2009. Print.

Monday, October 21, 2019

What American Dream Essay

What American Dream Essay What American Dream? Essay What American Dream? â€Å"The idea that we are the greatest people in the world because we have the most money in the world is ridiculous. Wait until this wave of prosperity is over! Wait ten or fifteen years! Wait until the next war on the Pacific, or against some European combination! ... The next fifteen years will show how much resistance there is in the American race. There has never been an American tragedy. There have only been great failures.† Fitzgerald uttered these words to an interviewer, sent to talk with one of the great writers of the 20th century, two years after The Great Gatsby was published. Two more years passed, Wall Street crashed, another great American failure. While some in Fitzgerald’s own time thought this outlook gloomy, as well as impossible, sitting in the relative comfort of the 21st century we know better. Fitzgerald noticed the greed of the people and the common practice of living outside their means; he also noticed how this c ould ruin America and all that we used to be. The Great Gatsby is known by many as a poignant insight into the ruin of the American dream, but these same people may be surprised to learn that when writing The Great Gatsby, the term ‘the American dream’ did not exist. That was not to become commonplace until 1931 in James Truslow’s The Epic of America (Churchwell). One fact remains as true today as the day Fitzgerald put his finishing touches on The Great Gatsby; money is the true corrupter. Fitzgerald saw this truth before the stock market crashed and before we put a name on the American dream. Using symbolism, F. Scott Fitzgerald warned America of what was to come if we didn’t turn away from greed and the all encompassing corruption of money. Perhaps the first character to analyze should be Daisy Buchanan, Gatsby’s one, but ultimately heartless, love. To me, Daisy represents money, the dream that the 99% strived for. She does not really care about anyone, she does whatever suits her. Like money, she is heartless, yet the object of many men’s desires. Fitzgerald physically describes her like money as well; â€Å"†¦full of money- that was the inexhaustible charm that rose and fell in it, the jingle of it, the cymbals’ song in it† (Fitzgerald 127). No one in Daisy’s life treats her as a person or sees her as she truly is; like money, she is just an object. To Tom, she is the wife he can always go back to, a trophy and the person society expects him to be with. To Gatsby, she is the young girl he met and fell in love with before the war. Just like money, people are blinded to Daisy and what having her truly does to you. Both men go to great lengths to keep her; in a sense, Tom kills to have her. It isn’t Daisy they really love or want, but the idea of her; as with money, it’s everything she can bring you. While reading The Great Gatsby, the audience is well aware of t he class differences in this 1920’s society, even if Gatsby is not. Gatsby symbolizes the 99%, those who don’t have money but wish they did, who want the lavish lifestyle of the upperclass. Typical of someone driven by greed, he does immoral things to get his dream. Gatsby’s business dealings show how far he is willing to go to secure Daisy, and by extension, money. That is not to say that Gatsby is an immoral man, he is human, and like most of the 99% does whatever necessary to secure his wealth. Tom Buchanan is the character who I think represents something very interesting; both the corruption of wealth and the idea that those who strive for this ‘American dream’ will never reach true satisfaction. That idea works very well for the relationship between Tom and Daisy; â€Å"I love Daisy too. Once in a while I go off on a spree and make a fool of myself, but I always come back, in my heart I love her all the time† (Fitzgerald 138). In the end, people will always choose money, they will always go back to that corrupt seductress. Myrtle was something on the side, a distraction, but she could

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Spelling Tips -Cede, -Ceed or -Sede

Spelling Tips -Cede, -Ceed or -Sede Spelling Tips: -Cede, -Ceed, or -Sede? When used at the end of a word, â€Å"-cede,† â€Å"-ceed† and â€Å"-sede† sound exactly the same. Unfortunately, this makes it easy to spell words with one of these letter groups incorrectly. To make sure your writing is always error free, then, check out our guide to â€Å"-cede,† â€Å"-ceed† and â€Å"-sede† words below. Words Ending in -Cede The most common word ending of those discussed here is â€Å"-cede.† It is used at the end of many words, such as: Accede Concede Intercede Precede Recede Secede   These are all verbs, some of which still reflect the old Latin word cedere, which meant â€Å"yield to.† To â€Å"concede† something, for example, is to admit something that you had initially denied, and to â€Å"recede† is to move back to a prevision position. In fact, â€Å"cede† by itself still means â€Å"give up.† Words Ending in -Ceed There are three common verbs in English that end with â€Å"-ceed.† These are used as follows: â€Å"Exceed† means to go beyond or surpass something. â€Å"Proceed† typically means to move forward or go ahead with something. â€Å"Succeed† can mean to either come next in a sequence or triumph. With most other words that make a â€Å"seed† sound at the end, you’ll need to use â€Å"-cede† instead. Words Ending in -Sede We’ve scratched out the â€Å"s† above because â€Å"supersede† is the only word that ends with â€Å"-sede† in English. It means â€Å"to replace or succeed,† especially when something new makes something old redundant. For example, if a new computer is more powerful than older ones, we might say: This model has superseded all past home computers. â€Å"Supersede† is often misspelled as â€Å"supercede,† so it is worth keeping the word ending in mind. Summary: -Cede, -Ceed or -Sede? Since â€Å"-cede,† â€Å"-ceed,† and â€Å"-sede† sound the same, you need to be careful with words that end in these letter groups: There are several words that end in â€Å"-cede,† including â€Å"recede† and â€Å"concede.† We also use â€Å"cede† by itself to mean â€Å"give up† or â€Å"yield to.† The three common words that end with â€Å"-ceed† are â€Å"exceed,† â€Å"proceed,† and â€Å"succeed.† The only word in English that ends in â€Å"-sede† is â€Å"supersede.† If you’d like someone to check the spelling in your writing, get in touch today.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Russian Modern and Contemporary Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Russian Modern and Contemporary Art - Essay Example The paper "Russian Modern and Contemporary Art" analyzes the influence of Russian contemporary artistic work on the economy and political landscape of Russia. People of Russia who are the biggest market to the modern contemporary art works treasure the Russian, modern art. Through globalization, many things are taking a new turn in Russia and the art world is among the affected. While themes are, altering Russian contemporary artists lagged behind their western counterparts in the use of modern, innovative materials. Public acknowledgement of the progress made modern art is a boosting factor as many people are giving their support as well as interest in the art works. The government and The Moscow Museum of Modern Art are in the forefront in developing the contemporary art industry. They prioritise promotion of young, and emerging talented artists by bringing them into contemporary artistic process via the activities of the Independent Workshops School of Contemporary Art. The Moscow Museum of Modern Art has amassed public support since it was launched in 1999 becoming an energetic industry that has a significant role on the Moscow art scene. Contemporary art forms have been integral in spreading the Russian culture globally. For the first time, popular culture was changed from being a cultural heritage of a certain region and spread worldwide. For instance, soviet leaders used movies and cinemas to advance their socialist values to remote areas, and in the meantime allowed people.

Reports of Digital Investigations to Management Essay

Reports of Digital Investigations to Management - Essay Example Certainly, digital forensics investigations are time-consuming and resource-consumptive but are integral to the continued securitization of an organization's data and the protection of both its customers and its market status. Following a brief overview of the type of information which Digital Investigation Reports are expected to contain, this essay will examine the question of what organizational managers expect to see in these reports and why. Jones, Bejtlich and Rose (2005) explain that there are several types of digital investigation reports and the structure and content of each is ultimately determined by the person they were written for. If directed to either the IT Manager or the organization's Chief Security Officer, they are extremely detailed. The reports will, customarily, include all the relevant information surrounding the incident, the tools which were used to detect the penetration or attempted penetration, its consequences and the technologies employed for the investigation of the incident. The results of the investigation are comprehensively detailed. ... Digital investigation reports which are forwarded to the organization's Legal Department are similar to those composed for the Finance and Accounting departments (Jones, Bejtlich and Rose, 2005). As indicated above, the composition of digital investigation reports is a complex and complicated process. This is not simply because of their intricately detailed nature but because several reports are generated and the style and content of each differs according to intended recipient. 3 Reports to Management Digital Investigations Reports addressed to management are, quite possibly, the most important of all the digital forensic reports prepared by the organization. The reason, as explained by the IT Director, is that the organization's top management are its decision-makers; they allocate the budget and resources necessary for such investigations and, importantly, make the decision on follow-up action. These reports tell management what happened, the extent of the damages, if any, and why the incident occurred in the first place. Importantly, these reports may also contain suggestions for the avoidance of future incidents. From the IT Director's perspective, the reports addressed to management are intended to provide them with the information needed for them to arrive at a decision on future action and reaction. Stephenson (2003) similarly emphasizes the importance of the digital investigation reports submitted to management. As he argues, the information contained in these reports undoubtedly influence management decisions regarding subsequent action. For example, if the investigations revealed the incident to be serious and

Friday, October 18, 2019

John McCain's Proposal for Health Care Reform Essay

John McCain's Proposal for Health Care Reform - Essay Example McCain believes in allowing every American to keep their health insurance as they move from job to job or job to home. McCain believes in strengthening health care quality by promoting research and development of new treatment models, improving technology and providing best information for Americans. ( John McCain's health reform proposal is an attempt to address the inefficiencies. The McCain proposal consists of three components. The first component is that the current implicit tax subsidy provided for employer-based coverage would be eliminated. For a worker receiving health coverage through his/her employer, the premium would be treated as part of the worker's "income" and taxed under the personal income tax. In place of this subsidy, consumers would receive a refundable tax credit if they obtain health insurance. The size of the credit would be $5000 for persons purchasing family coverage, and $2500 for persons purchasing individual coverage. This first component will make health care affordable and accessible for all since they receive a substantial refundable tax credit. The second component is that the non-group market for health... "community rating" laws). States also vary in whether they mandate coverage for different types of medical expenses. This second component will allow Americans to choose the most affordable and the most efficient health coverage plan from health care providers from other states. This plan will push health coverage rates down as the suppliers of health coverage plans compete for new consumers across state lines. This plan also pushes health companies to offer a wider range of health services for the same costs in order to retain their old customers and attract new ones. The third component is that the federal government would provide funding for states to each administer in the form of a Guaranteed Access Plan. This plan puts a premium on accessibility for all Americans and their families in all of the states.This plan will also make insurance more affordable as it would expand competition and "put families in charge of their health care dollars which will lead to expansions of health savings accounts and other high-deductible plans. References: Collins, S. R., & Kriss, J. L. (2008). Envisioning the future: The 2008 presidential candidates' health reform proposals (The Commonwealth Fund Publication No. 1092). Retrieved February 23, 2008, from http://www. Ginsburg, P. B. (2008). PERSPECTIVE: Don't break out the champagne: Continued slowing of health care spending growth unlikely to last. Health Affairs, 27(1), 30-32. John McCain website. Available at

Explore the Causes of the Current Financial Crisis That Started in Essay

Explore the Causes of the Current Financial Crisis That Started in 2007 - Essay Example There are various causes for this crisis and this paper shall explore these causes as well as the theoretical views which seem to be relevant in explaining its causes. Body The global financial crisis which started in 2007 is considered one of the most disastrous economic issues the world has ever experienced. In so many ways, it is being likened to the Great Depression seen in 1929, as well as the Russian crisis in 1992 (Banking Law Committee, 2009). Most countries also seem to agree that the main cause of the crisis was the credit boom and the increase in housing prices. As the 2007 was starting to loom over the global market, the US ratio of debt to national income went up by 100% or from 3.75-4.75 to one (Banking Law Committee, 2009). At about the same time, the house prices also increased at a rate of 11% per year. Since 2007, the global market has been hit with various developments which were rooted on the earlier issues on the unfavourable performance of sub-prime mortgages in the US (Banking Law Committee, 2009). The housing boom was followed by a bust which then caused defaults and collapse of mortgages thereby causing financial turmoil. Financial institutions have been met with losses which amounted to billions of dollars and are still continuing to do so (Banking Law Committee, 2009). ... The gravity and the volume of negative financial outcomes at that time, coupled with the impotency of the remedies being carried out also forced the authorities to consider the origins of the crisis and the market tools by which the crisis could be contained and managed. The causes of the financial crisis which started in 2007 shall be considered below. Mortgage lending was considered as one of the main causes of the 2007 financial crisis. Before the crisis, abundant credit, low interest rates, and increased housing prices, the lending conditions were so relaxed that people started to buy houses they could not afford (Murphy, 2008). As prices started to fall and loans were being called in, the shock spread throughout the entire system. The housing bubble also made the crisis worse and the Federal Reserve allowed housing prices to increase at sustainable and impractical rates. As the bubble burst, the crisis was triggered (Labonte, 2007). There was also a lack of transparency and acco untability in mortgage finance. There were numerous bad mortgages throughout the system as well as selling of bad securities. Lenders could sell mortgages to home owners and not feel any accountability for it; this pattern was also seen among brokers, realtors, and individuals in rating agencies as well as other market participants (Jickling, 2010). The crashing housing prices impacted on household wealth, including the spending and defaults on loans by lending institutions. Housing prices from 2000 to 2006 doubled and later subsequently collapsed. The housing bubble was caused by a long period of low interest rates offered by the Federal Reserve and these monetary policies were too permissive for too

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Female Genital Mutilation Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 9750 words

Female Genital Mutilation - Literature review Example 5 Provisions for legal and human rights abuse associated with FGM 25 6 Midwives and FGM 28 7 Research methodology 30 1.1 Methodology 30 Research Paradigm 33 1.2 Methods 34 Search criteria 35 Study Selection 36 Search Methodology 38 Limitations to the study 38 8 Conclusion 39 9 Recommendations 41 References 42 Abstract The research paper addresses the reasons why it is essential for midwives to understand the social background, forms, and health issues associated with Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). Aim: The study aims to emphasise the importance of the role of midwives that deal with women have undergone FMG. Method: The study is based on literature research of articles located in Embase, CINAHL, Academic Search Premier, Medline, Cochrane, EBSCO Database, Scisearch, OVID Medline, PubMed, and Amed, related to Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). Committee papers related to social sciences, ethics and psychology and related to the theme, were located through PsychINFO and ASSIA. Results: A review of the available literature revealed that women who have undergone FMG often experience physical and psychological damages, which makes taking care of such patients, a complex and difficult process. Appropriate attitude of midwives, nurses and all involved health professionals is important while dealing with such patients, along sensitivity towards the patient and in-depth knowledge of the causes and possible outcomes of FGM. It is also important to provide education to the circumcised women and the communities that perform this practice in order to stop or decrease FMG, through various consultations and social meetings. Conclusions: it is necessary to have a better understanding of FGM in order to grasp the clinical implications, which would help midwives improve the care provided, while helping to abolish the harmful practice. Keywords: FMG, genital, clitoris, mutilation, excision, clitoris, midwives. 1 Introduction 1.1 Background study Definition Female genital m utilation (also known as FGM), is an umbrella term that encompasses a large number of practices involving complete removal or modification of the female genitalia for reasons that are completely non-therapeutic in nature. FGM, also known as female circumcision, is however more extensive and dangerous than male circumcision. The extent of cutting in FMG being more extensive, it often severely injures a woman’s reproductive and sexual functions while also affecting the ability to pass urine. It is for this reason WHO refers to this form of circumcision as female genital mutilation, while in some cases the term female genital cutting is used, to avoid hurting sentiments and resistance to change. The World Health Organization defined FGM as, â€Å"all procedures involving partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs whether for cultural or other non-therapeutic purposes† (1997, p.3). Infibulation, a form of FGM, whe re there occurs removal of clitoris, labia minora, and two-thirds of the anterior region or the entire medial regions of the labia majora is the severest type of FGM (WHO, 1997, p. 5). Here, after removal of the aforementioned parts, rough surfaces are formed on labia majora, which are then stitched together in order to close most of the introitus of vagina while partly sealing the urethra (ibid). The two most common forms of mutilation are excision and clitorecdectomy, and all forms of FMG are mutilating in nature. According to World Health Organisation (WHO) there are four categories of FGM: â€Å"Type I: Clitoridectomy: partial or total removal of the clitoris (a small, sensitive and erectile part of the female genitals) and, in very rare cases, only the prepuce (the fold of skin surrounding the clitoris). Type II:

International Trade Operations - Latvia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

International Trade Operations - Latvia - Essay Example plained that a country will export the goods and services that it is able to produce at a lower opportunity cost and import those goods and services that it would otherwise produce a higher opportunity cost (Pugel, 2003, p. 39). Eli Heckscher, a Swedish economist, developed the core idea in 1919 about the international trade pattern. According to him, a country would export the products that use its abundant factors intensively and import the products that use its scarce factors intensively (Pugel, 2003, p. 39). To be more succinct, as Fedotovs (2010, p. 52) noted, a country will export goods whose production is intensive in factors that the country is abundantly endowed. Fedotovs (2010) explained international trade patterns of Latvia, based on the evidences of Latvia’s access to European Union and related how both the theories, comparative advantage and Heckscher-Ohlin theorem explain the case of Latvia. His work has proved the validity of both the theories and concluded that both the theories can be said to be applicable to the case of Latvia. A comparison between the major sectors of minibuses, cement, timber and Livestock etc of both Latvia and European Community, it can be observed that Latvia could claim to have comparative advantage in some areas despite the fact it lagged behind the EC. The productivity of Latvia in some sectors like milk, livestock, grain and meat has proved 17 to 25 times below the level of EC, and same time the productivity in some other sectors were found to be only 5 to 6 times less, and therefore, it can be explained with the theory of comparative advantage. Fedotovs (2010) has given Timber as an example for Latvia’s export to European Market, because Latvia gained comparative advantage in producing timbers as the productivity ratio to other countries was higher than in other industries. Between the periods of 1920s and 1930s, timber was the major export of Latvia and, during this period, the market share of timber has been

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Female Genital Mutilation Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 9750 words

Female Genital Mutilation - Literature review Example 5 Provisions for legal and human rights abuse associated with FGM 25 6 Midwives and FGM 28 7 Research methodology 30 1.1 Methodology 30 Research Paradigm 33 1.2 Methods 34 Search criteria 35 Study Selection 36 Search Methodology 38 Limitations to the study 38 8 Conclusion 39 9 Recommendations 41 References 42 Abstract The research paper addresses the reasons why it is essential for midwives to understand the social background, forms, and health issues associated with Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). Aim: The study aims to emphasise the importance of the role of midwives that deal with women have undergone FMG. Method: The study is based on literature research of articles located in Embase, CINAHL, Academic Search Premier, Medline, Cochrane, EBSCO Database, Scisearch, OVID Medline, PubMed, and Amed, related to Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). Committee papers related to social sciences, ethics and psychology and related to the theme, were located through PsychINFO and ASSIA. Results: A review of the available literature revealed that women who have undergone FMG often experience physical and psychological damages, which makes taking care of such patients, a complex and difficult process. Appropriate attitude of midwives, nurses and all involved health professionals is important while dealing with such patients, along sensitivity towards the patient and in-depth knowledge of the causes and possible outcomes of FGM. It is also important to provide education to the circumcised women and the communities that perform this practice in order to stop or decrease FMG, through various consultations and social meetings. Conclusions: it is necessary to have a better understanding of FGM in order to grasp the clinical implications, which would help midwives improve the care provided, while helping to abolish the harmful practice. Keywords: FMG, genital, clitoris, mutilation, excision, clitoris, midwives. 1 Introduction 1.1 Background study Definition Female genital m utilation (also known as FGM), is an umbrella term that encompasses a large number of practices involving complete removal or modification of the female genitalia for reasons that are completely non-therapeutic in nature. FGM, also known as female circumcision, is however more extensive and dangerous than male circumcision. The extent of cutting in FMG being more extensive, it often severely injures a woman’s reproductive and sexual functions while also affecting the ability to pass urine. It is for this reason WHO refers to this form of circumcision as female genital mutilation, while in some cases the term female genital cutting is used, to avoid hurting sentiments and resistance to change. The World Health Organization defined FGM as, â€Å"all procedures involving partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs whether for cultural or other non-therapeutic purposes† (1997, p.3). Infibulation, a form of FGM, whe re there occurs removal of clitoris, labia minora, and two-thirds of the anterior region or the entire medial regions of the labia majora is the severest type of FGM (WHO, 1997, p. 5). Here, after removal of the aforementioned parts, rough surfaces are formed on labia majora, which are then stitched together in order to close most of the introitus of vagina while partly sealing the urethra (ibid). The two most common forms of mutilation are excision and clitorecdectomy, and all forms of FMG are mutilating in nature. According to World Health Organisation (WHO) there are four categories of FGM: â€Å"Type I: Clitoridectomy: partial or total removal of the clitoris (a small, sensitive and erectile part of the female genitals) and, in very rare cases, only the prepuce (the fold of skin surrounding the clitoris). Type II:

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

How technology has affected you as a translator Essay

How technology has affected you as a translator - Essay Example The work can easily be sent and received across the cultural and natural borders. The translator may work for its clients from anywhere in the world. The market for the translator is not just limited to their own city or country. However translation is still considered to be a service whose dependence is based on high degree of trust between the translators and their clients. The translator may receive his high pay work mostly from the unseen clients living across the borders, as fees paid to the translators in different countries may vary, however the translators still believe that the best clients are made face to face. Technology has made the distribution of the large translation jobs quite easy between the intermediaries. Suppose if the client wants to market its product in 15 other languages, they would simply hire a marketing company. It is the job of the marketing firm to hire different brokers who then assign this job to a number of translation companies that further allocate the task to the translators that are often are freelancers. In such a case the company is usually paying at least three times more of what the freelance translator receives. However if the company directly assign the task to any freelancer then it be an advantage for the company as well as the freelance translator, as the company will be paying less for the same job and the translator will be receiving more. Technology has played a significant role in increasing the benefits for the translators; however the various consequences of the electronic communication have also increased the security risk. Translators are usually working on the material that is out of the public domain. This is what makes trust such an important factor in this business. Therefore while sending and receiving a file the translator must be aware of secure FTP, various forms of zipping and of encoding. There is no

Monday, October 14, 2019

Inner Beauty Essay Example for Free

Inner Beauty Essay Beauty is an important thing for women. For woman if they’re not looking beauty in public, it will make they’re not confident. The definition of beauty according to people from era to era and region is different. For example, in England ( Queen Elizabeth 1 era ), in this era a beautiful woman is the one who has pale skin. And the role model is Queen Elizabeth 1 herself. In her era, Queen Elizabeth 1 deputize the standard of woman’s beauty in England. Usually people likes pale skin because it means high class or status. In China ( Tang dynasty era until Qing dynasty ), woman is beautiful if they has small foot size. Chinese foot binding is the technique to make their foot become small. To get small foots, their foots will be bound and bended and also weared a pair of small shoes. More smaller the size of their foots, so it’s make them more beautiful. In Myanmar ( the tribe of Padaung ) , woman is beauty when they have a long neck. Since the age of 5 years, their necks fitted with a kind of bangle and the number of bangle will increase along their age. Amount of bangle which they wear will become a symbol of how rich that the woman’s family have. But the important thing is it can be used to attract a good husband. In Ethiopia ( the tribe of Surma ), according to tribe of Surma in hinterland of Ethiopia that beautiful woman is the one who have a wide lips. Before married, all the tribe women are wearing a kind of saucer from clay or wood called SIGARO at their lower lips. In Uganda ( tribe of Hima ), until now they still assumed that fat is beautiful. All women who will get married have to spend a few months before the big day to make a fuller body. The definition about beauty from careworldtv. om is a characteristic of a person that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure, meaning, or satisfaction. ( http://www. careworldtv. com/inner-and-outer-beauty ). According to Danna Mason (2011), beauty is defined as the qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to ones senses. In this modern era, the definition of beautiful women according to the perception some of men is woman who has slim body, tall, long hair, fair – skin. There are also women who agree with that perception. There are two kinds of beauty, inner beauty and outer beauty. As Holland said in her article, inner beauty is something possitive that all human have and it is hidden in body, can not be touch, can not be seen physically but from kindness, sensitivity, compassion, intelligence, creativity, genuineness, love and concern to others. Outer beauty is the beauty that is only seen from the physical appearance. Many people agree that inner beauty is more important than outer, but why inner is important than outer beauty? As said by Khusee Sharma in his article, inner beauty is important to know about our inner strength, and gain positivity in life. Our real strength lies in harnessing our deepest resources mentally to give our best. How is inner beauty is important than outer beauty? It is well said that â€Å"beauty lies in the eye of the beholder†. Inner beauty is that beauty which shows our inner character, our moral values ethics and cultural. Whereas outer beauty is that beauty which is pleasing to eyes. Inner beauty is to know the strengths and live with them, which results in confidence. Outer beauty is something one is born with, while inner beauty is a gift to one self. We may not be able to see inner beauty in a person but we can definetely feel it.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essay --

INTRODUCTION Bitcoin is a firstly decentralized digital currency that is created and traded freely of any government or bank. The currency is produced through a computer database and it can be altered into cash after being deposited into virtual wallets. Bitcoin is developed by â€Å"Satoshi Nakamoto † in 3 January 2009 (5 years ago ). It is as an innovative payment network and a novel kind of money. It has big demand in United States , China and many European countries. Bitcoin is a system of owing and voluntarily transferring amounts of so called Bitcoin in a manner similar to online banking without dependence on central authority to retain account balances. Bitcoin is open-source; its design is public, nobody owns or controls Bitcoin and everyone can take part. Through many of its unique properties, Bitcoin allows exciting uses that could not be covered by any previous payment system History of Bitcoin The world's first decentralized currency. 2007 Satoshi Nakamoto. The legend According to legend, Satoshi Nakamoto arose functioning on the Bitcoin concept in 2007. While he is on record as living in Japan, it is speculated that Nakamoto may be a collective pseudonym for more than one person. August 15, 2008: An remarkable patent application... Neal Kin, Vladimir Oksman, and Charles Bry file an application for an encryption patent application. All three individuals deny a connection to Satoshi Nakamoto, the alleged originator of the Bitcoin concept. August 18, 2008 is registered: is taking place. The domain was recorded at, a site that allows users to secretly register domain names and presently rece... ...ce Date Close Change 2014-03-12 $631.39 0.39% 2014-03-11 $628.95 0.50% 2014-03-10 $625.83 -1.16% 2014-03-09 $633.18 2.92% 2014-03-08 $615.24 -1.69% 2014-03-07 $625.83 -4.99% 2014-03-06 $658.72 -0.46% 2014-03-05 $661.79 -0.27% Trends: 1. Increasing adoption by both on-line and customary merchants 2. Increasing speed of innovation surrounding Bitcoin 3. Increasing public adoption 4. Increasing speculation of alternative currencies Conclusion: Bitcoin is a novel concept, but it’s in the process of being understood and accepted by a growing number of consumers, merchants, and investors around the world. As this process continues the the full picture to start using bitcoins are becoming more compelling. There is also increased investment in the sector and many new finance companies are offering more professional and consumer responsive solutions for everyday use.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Telephone :: Informative, Technology, Inventions

The Telephone   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The telephone itself is a rather simple appliance. A microphone, called the transmitter, and an earphone, called the receiver, are contained in the handset. The microphone converts speech into its direct electrical analog, which is transmitted as an electrical signal; the earphone converts received electrical signals back to sound. The switch hook determines whether current flows to the telephone, thereby signaling the central office that the telephone is in use. The ringer responds to a signal sent by the central office that causes the telephone to ring. As simple a device as the telephone, had a mighty big impact on society during the 30's. This was due to the fact that, it was during the 30's when telephone service became economically feasible and also reliable.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Men and women alike were captivated by the intrique and fascination of talking to relatives and friends, miles and miles away. Not only did the telephone pamper to individual woes, but it provided a very useful industrial service. It allows commercial companies to expand their horizons infinitely easier than ever before. It became possible to set up meetings and discuss business matters with partners thousands of miles away. Companies that posessed a telephone had a enormous advantage over the rest. And in a time as economically troubled as the 30's depression, everyone was looking for a competitive edge.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The telephone wasn't invented in the thirties, nor was the first transatlantic line built then, but the thirties represents a time in history when the world was changing incredible fast and much of that change was made

Friday, October 11, 2019

If I Could Change 3 Things About Myself Essay

Yes, maybe you will say:†Hey! That’s not enough! I need MORE! † but what are the three most importance things that you decide to change? If I could change three things about myself, I think first and foremost, I would change my desirous of food-ness. I got the stomach ache-ness when I was at Japan and tried not to eat so much. Well, to late for regrets now! I am eating now and just ate some ice-cream just now and ate fish chops for dinner. Well, good luck to me! Secondly, I would like to change my laziness. I had been pretty darn lazy through my whole life until now. Except for the time when my sister who is older than me by a year got to go to school and petty little me didn’t get to go. So, I got so interested in learning that I read ALL of my sister’s textbooks. And ever since my sister knew that I knew   that she was learning, made up a lame excuse and threw her homework to me and went to play some stupid computer game like†¦ MINES. Because she doesn’t know how to play it, she just simply pushes some buttons. But now, I inherited her laziness and she inherited my hardworkingness and it’s the other way round than the time we were kids. Lastly, I would like to change the fact that I don’t really have any talents. I’m suck in studying, not really good in sports. I would want my talents to be: singing, dancing and acting. So, I could just be a pop star when I grow up. Well, it’s really nice to be a star, you know, with people fan boy and fan girling you. You just sing, which you awesomely have HUGE talent at and you get tons of money for just ONE song you sing! It would be such an awesome life! Well, its probably pretty obvious that nobody is going to magically materialize from thin air and grant those for me. So seems like I would just need to keep working at it.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Prince Case Study Essay

Over the years Prince has proven themselves as an industry leader in tennis racquets and equipment that has transformed the game of tennis through their innovations. They have proven themselves as innovators through their development of the first synthetic gut string and many other things that have met the levels of all tennis players. As the world of tennis changes and the number of participants increases, Prince is once again faced with a challenge to reinvent themselves to meet the demands of 21st century tennis players. The growth in tennis participation results in a change in the market environment and requires Prince to think of new ways to stay ahead of competition. In the 21st century the presence of technology and social media are two major tools that can be used to Prince’s advantage. Prince’s first attempt to use technology in a new racket innovation was a failure. They released aracket with â€Å"O Port† holes that was supposed to improve racquet speed. â€Å"The idea was to differentiate itself from the marketplace, but it wasn’t necessarily what the market wanted† (Rovell, 2012). Knowing the market demand when releasing a new product is one of the most important details to ensure success. Another issue they faced in the release is they put all their faith into this new development and lost focus on the other products that made them who they are today. To reverse this mistake I feel it is the right time with the tennis market growing to release a new type of racquet. This must meet the demand of the new emerging market while still paying attention to their older market to continue growth without loosing consumers. They can achieve this by directly contacting consumers and seeing what they would like or feel they are missing in a tennis racquet. Another idea to steer away from their last racquet release would be developing three new racquets that meet the need of each group. I don’t think its possible to develop a racquet that caters to all strokes and levels. I feel that using new technological developments to design a racquet based upon the three different strokes would meet the needs of all levels of their market. Along with the growth of the tennis industry, Prince needs to continually  market themselves and the industry to influence consumers to invest in their products. To accomplish this Prince could host local tennis tournaments in cities to get people playing the sport. As a result this would link tennis directly to their brand which markets themselves and the sport all in one to maximize profitability and gain consumer awareness. To increase their market segment and reach a new audience to increase their market presence they could sponsor a school tennis team or donate racquets to a school to get kids into the sport at a young age. If the child enjoys the sport the odds are the parent will purchase their products from Prince which is a great way to get a younger audience into the sport and also use this as a social media opportunity. They could start an after school tennis program with school where they donate equipment and teach kids the sport while keeping them active and out of trouble. This could certainly result in many opportunities for social media and increase brand awareness through their donations. Parents are always looking for ways to keep their children active and out of trouble so this serves as a great opportunity to do so and once again allows them to diversify their market and give them a competitive edge. As Prince begins to grow their company in attempt to keep up with 21st century demands they will need a new way to market and promote themselves to keep ahead of competition. One way to do this is hosting a sponsorship for players that can be promoted through social media such as twitter and Facebook. It is important for Prince to reach a younger audience and their large presence on social networks makes it important for them to gain as much presence through social media as possible. Each market segment has a different way to be reached so it is important for Prince to understand each of those markets and then decide how they will promote themselves according to their demands. The large number of distribution channels within Prince poses challenges but also holds many opportunities for growth. One of the most important distribution channel is mass merchants such as Wal-Mart. It is important that their presence within mass merchants is well received and this can be done by setting up specific displays to promote their product in which the general consumer of these stores will relate to. The way a product is promoted in Wal-Mart may be very different than the way its promoted in a specialty store. I feel that smaller store displays should be centered around the sponsored player linked to Prince. A store like Wal-Mart should have the display accessible and visible amongst the many products within the store. Wal-Mart is also known for their low prices so Prince should have a presence in the catalog and advertise discounts on their products within the catalog and in the the store. Wal-Mart can carry the lower end racquets to allow this discount where as smaller shops can carry higher end racquets to cater to their audience. Understanding the audience of each distribution channel will allow Prince to properly promote and advertise their product within each store. Another area that Prince relies on to generate revenue is the global market. Global success is extremely important in having a competitive advantage and constantly needs to be improved to meet global market demands. Being that tennis is played all over the world their global presence is just as important as it is in the US. Latin America has a large presence with professional tennis players and due to this the sport is continually growing in this area. To enhance their global presence I feel it is important to sponsor players outside of the US to maintain their global presence. When a consumer sees a professional player from their country using a Prince racquet it will influence them to purchase it. Prince should use the origin of top players and target these markets. There is a great deal of pride that comes when someone reaches a level in sports from your home country. Prince can use this to their advantage and enhance their market presence in the countries of professional players. Prince continues to be one of the leading companies in the world of tennis. They strive to continue their name as a top innovator in the field and maintain their global market presence. With the current growth in tennis participation there is no better time to re market themselves to stay ahead of competition and developing trends. Their impressive track record with major inventions over the years have shaped the game of tennis and give them  a competitive advantage. To accomplish the results they are after they need to create a new development that caters to their extensive market and increase their presence among youth by expanding their social media presence. The company has all of the tools for success and if implemented correctly they can solidify their spot as the top manufacturer in the world of tennis. Rovell, D. (2012, August 28). Tennis Company Prince Eying a Comeback . Retrieved from Authentic brand group propels prince sports throughout the globe with key operating partners. (2012, August 16). Retrieved from Glassel, L., & Skaly , N. (n.d.). Prince sports, inc. tennis racquets for every segment [Online forum comment]. Retrieved from Kerin, R., Hartley, S., & Rudelius, W. (2011). Marketing. (11th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill-Irwin

The Castle Creative Writing

I walked down the narrow, moonlight lane on my way to the park. I was meeting Summer, Leon and Tiffany. It was really cold and it was beginning to get dark. I felt nervous walking down the lane as there were no lights. Eventually I got to the end of the lane and as I turned the corner I could see the park in the distance. I could hear summer laughing like a hyena. I carried on walking. Leon was shining the bright torch in my face. My eyes stung and I grabbed the torch from his plump, sticky hand. He grabbed it back holding it in one hand while holding a chocolate bar in the other. I explained why I was so late and asked what they were planning to do now that I had arrived. â€Å"We have just been playing dares and Tiffany dared one of us to go in the castle up on the hill at Florence's Gardens, but we're all scared!† explained Summer. She continued, â€Å"Why don't you go in there, Ryan?† Ryan, look ever so slightly scared, refused outright reminding us of all the stories about that castle, especially the one about the boy who went in almost twenty years ago and still hasn't been found. â€Å"Oh, they're just myths and rumours, you're not telling me you actually believe them, are you?† said Summer. â€Å"Well if you don't believe them, then you go in there, as you're so sure they're not true!† I shouted. Summer's smile dropped which made me wonder if she might be beginning to regret what she had just said, but Summer isn't the type of person to back down from a dare so she replied, â€Å"Fine, I will then. I'll prove to you it's all lies.† The castle was tall up on the hill overlooking long stretches of green fields. The walls of the castle were jet black and looked dull and dreary. Some of the windows were smashed and through them it was possible to see a glimpse of the dirty looking rooms inside, which were covered in dust and cobwebs. We began to make our way up the hill. By now it was pitch black and we were all extremely cold. The wind was blowing and the leaves on the trees were rustling and the wind gushed past. I was starting to feel scared. I could sense a creepy atmosphere around the castle; it reminded me of something out of a scary movie. I was beginning to think that I would prefer to be back at home, snuggled up in bed with a warm cup of hot chocolate. I don't know if the others felt the same but I definitely didn't want them to think I was scared so I just kept my feelings to myself and kept walking up the hill towards the castle. When we finally reached the huge wooden door Leon turned to Summer and pointed at it. â€Å"Go on then. If you're so brave, you go in there and come back and tell us what you find.† â€Å"Ok,† she whispered. There was a slight tremble in her voice, even though on the outside she was trying to look confident. As she gently pushed the door open, it creaked loudly. She turned back. Tiffany pushed her forward. â€Å"Go on!† she shouted. Summer turned back and began to make her entrance into the castle. Leon, Tiffany and I looked at one another. We stood in silence listening while we could hear Summer's footsteps as she journeyed further into the castle. The footsteps faded and Tiffany began to laugh. â€Å"I can't believe she is actually in there. I though that when we got here she would change her mind!† â€Å"Me, too,† agreed Leon. We sat down on the damp grass and began to discuss what we all thought Summer would find in there. All caught up in our conversation, we didn't realise how long she had been gone when we heard a long, high pitched scream. We all jumped up. Tiffany had a look of horror on her now pale face. â€Å"What's happened?† Leon exclaimed. I began to shout Summer's name hoping, that she would shout back, laughing, saying she was winding us up, and just trying to scare us. But there was no reply. â€Å"We should never have let her go in there.† I began to say. â€Å"I wonder if she's ok?† â€Å"One of us has to go in there,† said Tiffany sternly. â€Å"We have to go and rescue her. She is obviously in trouble.† Leon looked brave and agreed that he would go in and find Summer. I was extremely scared and nervous as I watched Leon go in the same door as Summer had gone in around half an hour ago. But I knew we had to do something, we couldn't just leave Summer in there. I know it was selfish but at that moment I just thought how glad I was that it was Leon going into the castle and not me. The next 10 minutes passed. Nothing. Leon and Summer were now in the house and neither Tiffany or I knew what was going on or if they were alright. â€Å"We've got to go in there!† whispered Tiffany. â€Å"Give it another 5 minutes† I began. But before I could even finish my sentence, she was running towards the doors and into the castle. I hesitated. I was so nervous it was unbelievable. I was shaking – I don't know whether it was because of the ice cold weather or because I was so scared, but I knew no matter how frightened I was I had to go in there. I slowly pushed open the door and peeked inside. It was pitch black. All I could see were the flickering lights ahead at the end of the long straight corridor that I was approaching. I slowly and carefully made my way towards the light. When I finally arrived at the end of the creepy corridor I was faced with two doors. One on my right and the other on the left. I went with my first instinct and choose the door on my right. I quietly pushed the door open and stepped through. It was another long corridor. There were cobwebs all over the place. Dust covered the dirty walls and carpet. I walked down the second corridor. Palms sweating with the fear of not knowing if I was going to get out of this castle alive. But I knew I couldn't go back now and I just had to keep walking. I must have only been walking for a minute or so, but it seemed like forever, when I caught a glimpse of another door ahead. As I approached it, so many thoughts were running through my head of what could be behind it. I hesitated for a second, then reached out to the door and pushed it hard. I was shocked when I saw darkness and felt a bitter cold come over me. I was in the outside world again! Suddenly, I heard a crash as the door slammed loudly behind me. I turned around and it was then I noticed that I was standing right where I was standing before I went in the castle and the door I came out of was the door I went in. I felt relieved and safe but then it dawned on me that I was alone. I still didn't know where the others were. They weren't anywhere around. I thought for a moment and came to the conclusion that they must still be in the house. Then I remembered there had been 2 doors when I had come to the end of the first corridor. They must have gone into the door on the left whereas I had chosen the door on the right. I had to go back and go through the door and try and find them, but as I tugged on the door handle to enter the castle for the second time something was wrong. The door was jammed. I pulled harder and harder on the door handle but it wouldn't budge. It's now a week on and I haven't seen my friends since. I hate thinking that they are going to be stuck in that castle for the rest of there lives – if they even are still alive.